Hi, I'm Ângelo Marques! I'm a Web Developer.

I build modern websites with the best client experience.

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My name is Ângelo Emanuel Marques, and I’m am a brazilian web developer. All of what I learn was from internet. And that was so good to me because I improve my solving problems skills.

Now, I’m working on my personal blog, but if you looking for a great website, let me know. My goal is always give the best product. So get in touch and let’s talk!

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React JS





recipe app screenshot
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Recipe App

The app was built with React and an API. If you want to get this recipe search API I let a link on the source code. This project is great for those who want to learn more about API.

todo app screenshot
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Todo App

This Todo App was built with vanilla JavaScript and Firebase. The app has user authentication and saves the tasks for each user. To use Firebase, you don't need to know any back-end language.

twitter clone screenshot
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Twitter Clone

I made this whole app just with vanilla JavaScript and Firebase. I don't add all the twitter functions, but I noticed why apps like this are built with React, this library makes the code a lot easier.

guessing game screenshot
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Guessing Game

In this game, it will show a flag and you have to guess the name of the country to who that flag belongs. The main reason that I built this game was to learn more about JSON and AJAX.

facebook-clone screenshot
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Facebook Clone

I built this clone following a tutorial because it was the first project of mine in React and I didn't know much about it. And this app has a firebase database too, so the post has a place to be stored.